July 21, 2022 – The Carter Lab welcomes Melanie Huq ’25 (top left) and David Brown ’25 (middle right) with a fun outing of escape rooms and VR. Meanwhile, Vietta Kuntz ’23 (front right) and Audrey Orlowski ’23 (front left) begin the long journey to a senior thesis.

May 20, 2022 – Some old familiar faces! Ruth Mosunmade (left), Emily Ma (middle right), and Ryan McMillan (right) return to the Amherst campus for their long-awaited graduation ceremony, which was delayed due to the pandemic.

February 19, 2022 – The Carter Lab travels to San Francisco for the annual BPS conference! Our spectacular Lynn Fu ’22 would win the Undergraduate poster competition with flying colors.

January 6, 2022 – The Carter Lab welcomes Jake Kim ’23 and Ally Velasquez ’23 to the lab with a night of fun board games at Professor Carter’s house.

June 10, 2021 – The Carter Lab has a nature outing. The lab is busy as Amherst alumni Youna Choi, Donna Roscoe, Andrea Boskovich, and Kate Jones all pass the torch to the other members of the lab for their beautiful projects.

January 30, 2021 – Carter Lab enjoys a break in the snow! It is the first time the lab is back together in-person since the pandemic.

April 14, 2020 – Carter Lab has a welcome party over Zoom. We look like the opening sequence for The Brady Bunch!

March 13, 2020 – The BCBP and Physics departments have their farewell parties on Thursday, and there is even an impromptu graduation with social distancing. Pictured are Ryan McMillan ’20, Carter, Ruth Mosunmade ’20, Lynn Fu ’22, and Emily Ma ’20.

February 17, 2020 – Donna Roscoe ’21 wins the Undergraduate Poster Session at the BPS meeting. She gets to go on stage before the national lecture and receive her award. Emily Ma ’20 and Kyle Jones ’21 were also finalists.

Febuary 15, 2020 – The Carter Lab heads to the Annual Biophysical Society Meeting in San Diego. Carter and O’Hara both go and bring 15 Amherst Students from the O’Hara, Carter, Jaswal, and Bishop labs.

January 23, 2020 – Hilary comes back for Fink Symposium! We go to El Comalito. Pictured are Donna Roscoe ’19, Ruth Mosunmade ’20, Kyle Jones ’21, Ryan McMillan ’20, Lynn Fu ’22, and Emily Ma ’20.

January 21, 2020 – Interterm is here! Time to work with all of your Carter Lab buds and get some R&R. This year we go sledding and have hot cocoa. Then Emily brings a surprise Birthday cake for Ryan. Carrot cake, yum! Pictured are Donna Roscoe ’19, Ruth Mosunmade ’20, Kyle Jones ’21, Ryan McMillan ’20, Lynn Fu ’22, and Emily Ma ’20.

September 6, 2019 – Donna Roscoe ’21 presents her poster at the SURF poster session. She wins best poster! She is the 4th Carter Labber to take home a prize at the poster session. She joins Elizabeth White ’17, Hilary Bediako ’19, and Emily Ma ’20 who have also won!

July 19 & 25, 2019 – Robot Team presents their robots. The first robot can do the pick-and-place race, and the second robot, Darlene, can build a paper tower! Pictured are Megan Lyster, Mina Lee ’22, Josh Burns ’22, Flanagan Waldherr ’22, Carter, Lynn Fu ’22, Ajay Sarathy ’21, and Eva Lau ’19.

July 12, 2019 – Last day for seniors. We take some last group pics (Donna Roscoe ’21, Emily Ma ’20, Ryan McMillan ’20, Hilary Bediako ’19, Ashwin Balaji ’19, and Peter Cho ’19). Then the seniors decide we are now signing the door and playing “Time to Say Goodbye” as they walk through. There were tears all around. Good luck next year!

July 10, 2019 – Robot Team/Carter Lab BBQ. Pictured are Emily Ma ’20 and Clara. In the group photo we have (Back row) Flanagan Waldherr ’21, Ajay Sarathy ’21, Peter Cho ’19, (Middle row) Emily Ma ’20, Ryan McMillan ’20, Lynn Fu ’22, Mina Lee ’22, Hilary Bediako ’19, Ashwin Balaji ’19, (Front row) Jack, Clara, Carter, and Donna Roscoe ’21.

July 3 2019 – The Carter Lab celebrated July 4th in style, heading to Six Flags for the day. Pictured are Peter Cho ’19, Hilary Bediako ’19, Ryan McMillan ’20, and Ashwin Balaji ’19.

June 28, 2019 – McCray’s Petting Zoo and Ice Cream shop! Robot Team and Carter Lab head over to pet animals while eating ice cream. I think only New Englander’s smell manure and think “Time to eat some ice cream!” Pictured are (back row) Ajay Sarathy ’21, Flanagan Waldherr ’21, Peter Cho ’19, Josh Burns ’22, (front row) Emily Ma ’20, Lynn Fu ’22, Donna Roscoe ’21, Mina Lee ’22, and Eva Lau ’19.

June 19, 2019 – Move Beneski lab to the New Science Center. After 2 hours of work, take a break at The Lone Wolf! Item 3: Use Donna’s SURF $ to buy everyone brunch. Yum! Pictured are Ryan McMillan ’20, Ashwin Balaji ’19, Hilary Bediako ’19, Peter Cho ’19, and Emily Ma ’20.

June 13, 2019 – Second ALPhA New England Regional Meeting at Holy Cross in Worcester. Thanks for hosting Timothy Roach!

May 10, 2019 – THE CHAIR appeared in the lab today during the magnet ceremony. It was like seeing an old friend.

May 10, 2019 – 2019 Magnet Ceremony – Ashwin Balaji ’19, Hilary Bediako ’19, and Peter Cho ’19 put their magnet on the fridge for posterity and nab their Carter Lab mugs.

May 9, 2019 – Carter Lab hike to Mt. Toby. We are small, but mighty! After the seniors leave the lab this summer it will just be Carter, Donna Roscoe ’21, Emily Ma ’20, and Ryan McMillan ’20 in the lab. So we hiked, we bonded, and now we are ready to kick some DNA booty this summer!

March 6, 2019 – March meeting here we come! Armed with posters and elevator pitches, Ashwin, Peter, Hilary, Emily, Ryan, Ruth, Andrea, Kyle, and Carter head to the APS March Meeting in Boston. While there we eat Hot Pot and do an escape room. So fun!

January 24, 2019 – The Carter Lab heads to Blues, Booze, and BBQ in Springfield, MA for our annual Interterm Dinner. Pictured are (left to right) Ruth Mosunmade ’20, Peter Cho ’19, Ryan McMillan ’20, Donna Roscoe ’21, Youna Choi ’21, Andrea Boskovic ’21, Ashwin Balaji ’19, Kyle Jones ’21, Hilary Bediako ’19, and Emily Ma ’20.

January 11, 2019 – Carter Lab Spaghetti Dinner and Game Night. Pictured are (back row) Ashwin Balaji ’19, Peter Cho ’19, Kyle Jones ’21, Ryan McMillan ’20, (middle row) Ruth Mosunmade ’20, Emily Ma ’20, (front row) Hilary Bediako ’19, Carter, and Donna Roscoe ’21.

January 8, 2019 – Interterm is always so much fun. We welcomed new comers Youna Choi ’21 and Donna Roscoe ’21. We all went skating at the Mullins Center. Andrea’s camera was found to take the best pictures. The one of us all holding on to the wall is awesome! Group pic has pictured (left to right) Andrea Boskovic ’21, Ruth Mosunmade ’20, Hilary Bediako ’19, Peter Cho ’19, Donna Roscoe ’21, Youna Choi ’21, Emily Ma ’20, Ashwin Balaji ’19, and Kyle Jones ’21.

July 24, 2018 – What a summer! The last summer in Merrill. We have two great new students (Andrea and Kyle) and are looking foward to the amazing work of our senior thesis students (Ashwin, Hilary, and Peter).

July 11, 2018 – The Carter Lab says goodbye to Obinna with one last lunch at the works. In picture (from top left to right bottom) Moumita Dasgupta, Hilary Bediako ’19, Kyle Jones ’21, Carter, Andrea Boskovic ’21, Obinna Ukogu ’18, Ashwin Balaji ’19, Ruth Mosunmade ’20, and Peter Cho ’19.

July 9, 2018 – Everything is working! Carter Labbers Hilary Bediako ’19, Kyle Jones ’21, Ashwin Balaji ’19, and Andrea Boskovic ’21 stay into the wee hours of the morning to take data. Looks like fun…

July 3, 2018 – It’s a fight to the death! Well maybe not to the death, but definitely for bragging rights as the Carter Lab takes on the Carter Design Challenge Team (the Mammoth Makers) for the paint ball crown. The Mammoth Makers end up winning (though the results may have been skewed as Carter was on their team). Ruth Mosunmade and newbie Andrea Boskovic put in amazing performances for the Carter Lab.

June 12, 2018 – The Random Walk Game. The Carter Labbers and the Mammoth Makers get roped in to making up a game to demonstrate a random walk. The goal is that this game could be played at schools during Biophysics week to promote biophysics. Abdoulaye Sanogo ’19, Hilary Bediako ’19, and Andrea Boskovic ’21 are the first winners of the game.

June 4, 2018 – Tears were shed as Luka left the lab to go on to bigger and better things–Emory! One last group pic before he leaves. At least Obinna is back to lead the lab. Pictured are (back row) Andrea Boskovic ’21, Luka Devenica ’17, Obinna Ukogu ’18, Kyle Jones ’21, (front row) Hilary Bediako ’19, Ashwin Balaji ’19, Carter, Peter Cho ’19. like fun…

May 12, 2018 – Good luck Moumita! Moumita will be taking the Visiting Assistant Professorship at Smith College next year. The physics department has a party for her and the Carter Lab students crash it and eat all the desserts! Pictured are (back row) Obinna Ukogu ’18, Peter Cho ’19, Kyle Jones ’21, Carter, Abdoulaye Sanogo ’19, (front row) Andrea Boskovic ’21, Ashwin Balaji ’19, Moumita Dasgupta, Ruth Mosunmade ’20, and Hilary Bediako ’19.

May 4, 2018 – Carter and Trapani head to the Rowland Institute for the CVZM meeting. Carter’s powerpoint slides show all x’s instead of pictures, but with some quick thinking she saves the day. Other highlights include the World of Beers for lunch and the amazing RoLi Lab of Drew Robson and Jennifer Li.

February 2018 – Luka and Carter go to the Biophysical society meeting in San Francisco. We bump into Elizabeth White (Carter Lab alum) and Jess Morgan (Physics 117 alum from Smith) who are now both in Biophysics at U Chicago. We ride the trolley and go to China town. Carter attempts to order in Chinese! There is also a Perkins lab reunion with Tom Perkins and Gavin King. Pictured are Luka Devenica ’17, Jess ’17 (Smith), Elizabeth White ’17, and Carter.

January 19, 2018 – Happy 20th Birthday Ryan McMillan ’20! Ryan’s mom sends a cake to the lab for him. The Carter Labbers scarf it down. Turns out Ryan’s Birthday is the following week and another cake shows up! The Carter Labbers are going to get fat if this keeps up.

December 19, 2017 – Carter gets tenure! Older Carter Labbers go out, including alums Elizabeth White ’17 and Luka Devenica ’17, as well as Peter Cho ’19 and Bishop Grimm ’18. O’Hara, Goutte, and Carter realize that they are the first women tenured in their departments (Chemistry, Biology, and Physics, respectively.)

August 9, 2017 – Luka Devenica ’17 and Carter go to the SPIE meeting in San Diego to enjoy some rays, some science, and some sushi. Luka does a good job presenting his poster.

July 27, 2017 – Carter bumps into Kathy Perkins and Karen King at the AAPT meeting. (Left to Right)

July 4, 2017 – For the Fourth of July the Carter Lab heads to Six Flags. Obinna goes on his first roller coaster, and Carter lets Luka watch her kids. It is very hot so everyone enjoys the water rides! Way to go risk-takers. Pictured are Carter, Jack, Luka Devenica ’17, Yilikal Sarka ’21, Obinna Ukogu ’18, Emily Ma ’20, Ryan McMillan ’20, and Ruth Mosunmade ’20.

June 2017 – Amherst hosts the first bi-annual ALPhA Regional Conference. We had 25 instructors come to Amherst to hear about best practices for laboratory physics. They each gave a 5 minute slam talk, particpated in break out sessions, attended workshops, and networked over lunch and dinner.

May 2017 – Amherst BCBP majors hold their symposium. The seniors give amazing talks and Cathy Stillerman sets up a great dinner for everyone in BCBP. Congratulations to our seniors who are graduating: Adam Smith ’17, Luka Devenica ’17, and Elizabeth White ’17!

January 2017 – Lab dinner at Goten in Sunderland, which is a hibachi place. The food was awesome. (Left to Right) Ryan McMillan ’20, Elizabeth White ’17, Obinna Ukogu ’18, Carter, Moumita Dasgupta, Peter Cho ’19, and Adam Smith ’17.

August 2016 – Lab Flood! The Beneski lab floods and shutdowns experiments for 2 weeks. Luckily, Luka Devenica ’17 is around to take care of everything!

August 2016 – End of the Summer Lab Lunch at Paradise of India. (Left to Right) Obinna Ukogu ’18, Elizabeth White ’17, Adam Smith ’17, Peter Cho ’19, Jack, Carter, Luka Devenica ’17, Moumita Dasgupta, and Hilary Bediako ’19.

June 2016 – AFM workshop at Harvard. Elizabeth White ’17, Luka Devenica ’17, Adam Smith ’17, Peter Cho ’19, Bishop Grimm ’18, Hilary Bediako ’19, and Carter head out to Cambridge. Workshop participants are Laura Wessels (Xavier), Jose Vithayathil (UPenn), Liang Zeng (UT), Xuemei Cheng (Bryn Mawr). And, of course Kent Schuyler from Nanomagnetics brings all the AFMs!

February 2015 – Elizabeth White ’17, Luka Devenica ’17, Matt Woop ’16, and Carter go to the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting in Baltimore. We spot Marco Catipovic ’14.

December 2014 – Luka Devenica ’17 and Carter travel to Bridgewater State to take data with Prof. Ed Deveney.

February 2013 – O’Hara and Carter Labs at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting in San Diego. Raysa Cabrejo ’14, Pat O’Hara, Carter, and Fred Shipley ’13 are on right side of picture.

August 2012 – The optical trap is online! Terri Hultum ’15, Robbie Schwab ’13, Marco Catipovic ’14, and Shahzad Anwar ’14 celebrate.
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